Find a Doula in Vancouver, WA

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Vetted by licensed medical practitioners

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Why Use Meela to Hire Your Doula?

Meela is the trusted place for parents to find top-rated doulas, connecting over 1,700 parents with vetted doulas each month. Reach out to doulas directly, or answer a few questions and let us bring you the best available options near you. All for free, no strings attached.

Certified, Expert-Vetted Doulas Near You

Our doulas are the best of the best and hold the highest standards of evidence-based, inclusive, and compassionate care. Each verified doula on Meela is vetted by a licensed medical professional and comes with multiple client recommendations, active certifications, and has extensive training and experience in perinatal care.

Found 1 Pros in Vancouver, WA, USA | Birth doula support
0 50
Families served
0 3500
Birth fee
$0 $7500
$0 $500

Rachel Gathright

Vancouver, WA

0 reviews • 21 families supported • 2 years experience

0 reviews • 21 families supported • 2 years experience

I became a doula because I received amazing doula care myself with my third and fourth births! The experience of birthing without a doula left us with birth trauma and a lot to work through, my first doula assisted birth was healing and empowering to my core level!! I walked away changed and passionate that I wanted to serve other women! Through ministry work and personal experience I feel equipped and called to help families grow stronger and closer as they birth their child! I’m trained with Best Doula Training and Spinning Babies, I love using Christian Hypnobirthing. Ultimately, I try to tailor my care to the needs and hopes of my clients and have lots of tools and experiences to draw from as we navigate labor and postpartum!

Care philosophy

I’m a Christian Birth and Postpartum Doula and have experience with every kind of birth and trauma informed care. It’s important to me to know my clients and to support and advocate for their ideal birth while navigating the unexpected! I believe birth is as spiritual and psychological as it is physical and every mother deserves to be heard and supported through this wonderfully monumental time!

Areas served

  • Within an hour from 98606

Doula Services: FAQs

A doula is a professional that provides emotional, physical and educational support to new parents before, during, and after childbirth and into the early postpartum period. Doulas are companions who strive to give families a safe, positive, and healthy labor experience. They provide parents with evidence-based information and education on childbirth and are someone who the parent can turn to with questions and concerns about having a baby. Doulas also take an active role in collaborating with the parent to create a birth plan.

A certified birth doula offers advice and techniques to help reduce the stress that the parent often experiences during childbirth and provides you with education about different aspects of delivery and labor and what comes after.

There are two ways you can hire a doula through Meela in Vancouver, WA.  

You can browse through the available doulas in Vancouver, WA and send the doulas you are interested in a message, introducing yourself and setting up an interview. We recommend interviewing at least three before hiring your top doula.

You can also hire a doula in Vancouver, WA in three easy steps:

  1. Post a job for free: answer some questions and receive responses from top-rated doulas in Vancouver, WA. It takes less than 30 seconds to post your job.
  1. Get your list of Vancouver, WA doulas: in a few hours, you will have a collection of doulas near you who are qualified to meet your needs. You can compare pricing, experience and read reviews. You can chat with each doula to learn more about them.
  1. Hire a doula with confidence: schedule virtual or in-person interviews with your top doula choices. Hire your top doula and start getting the care you deserve.

While the cost of a doula can vary based on experience and the services offered, the average cost of a doula in Vancouver, WA is $796, but typically ranges from $715 to $877. These costs are based on a representative group of 26 doulas surveyed by Meela in the Vancouver area. The average cost of a doula in Vancouver, WA is lower than the average cost of a doula in the state of Washington, which is $1,037.

To put this in further context, the cost of a doula in Vancouver, WA is lower than the U.S. national average cost of a doula, which is $971.

When hiring a birth doula in Vancouver, WA, you and your doula will discuss and agree upon a fee structure, and your doula will send you itemized invoices through Meela, which you can pay securely through the app.

Some insurance companies will cover all or part of the cost of hiring a doula. Contact your insurance company to find out if they offer any coverage for hiring a doula; not all insurance companies do.

You can hire two types of doulas in Vancouver, WA: a birth doula and a postpartum doula. The birth doula is during your pregnancy and through the birth of your child. They provide you with emotional, physical and educational support during your pregnancy, your labor and delivery and for the first few hours after your child is born.

A postpartum doula will support you for the first few weeks after the baby is born. They provide in-home assistance, including teaching you how to take care of your newborn, acting as lactation consultant, and can provide some night nanny services.

Yes, a birth doula can provide support during a Cesarean birth and delivery. Doulas are non-medical professionals and do not replace obstetricians, physicians, midwives or nurses. They are an additive member to the team and provide emotional, physical and informational support to the birthing parent, partner and family. It is up to you whether the certified doula can remain in the operating room during the procedure.

When you hire a doula in Vancouver, WA, your services typically include several in-person prenatal sessions, 24/7 phone and text support, full attendance throughout your labor, and several hours of support immediately following your birth.

A doula in Vancouver, WA can help you in any kind of birth. Certified doulas are able to assist parents in creating the ideal “birth environment” and help parents deliver their baby safely. A doula can provide support during the birth whether it occurs in a hospital, a home, or another birth center of some kind. Doulas are there to support you in your desired birth preferences, whether that is a preference for natural, non-medicated, assisted, C-section or anything else.

Certified doulas can also act as a liaison between you and hospital staff regarding your childbirth expectations and preferences. For example, if your preference is to have a non-medicated birth, a doula can help guide you through that process and create a personalized birth plan. A certified doula in Vancouver, WA does not replace medical staff (such as your obstetrician and nurses).

When a surgical procedure is required, there are some situations in which a birth doula can also remain in the operating room, although this is not an expected obligation. A certified birth doula can also assist hospital staff to improve the overall birthing experience. A doula in Vancouver, WA will typically stay with the parents for several hours after birth to help them with birth recovery.

Evidence suggests that a birth doula in Vancouver, WA can help improve parent satisfaction with their baby’s birth and delivery. The involvement of a doula can also lead to shorter deliveries with less complications.

Recent studies show that parents who have a support person like a doula by their side throughout labor and childbirth are more likely to:

  1. Give birth without the need for pain medicine
  2. Describe their birth experience in a positive way
  3. Give birth without the need for medical intervention, such as C-sections or vacuum delivery
  4. Experience a shorter labor

You can hire a doula early in your pregnancy to allow you time to get to know each other and to begin planning for your later trimesters, labor, birth, and aftercare. It is ideal to hire a doula when you are around 20 weeks along, but you can start looking for one before that.

It is never too late to hire a doula in Vancouver, WA; you have right up to your due date to find a doula near you and receive all the benefits of doula support.

While many people think that a doula and a midwife are the same thing, their educational background and job duties are different. Doulas are non-medical professionals who provide emotional, physical and educational support, while also offering actionable advice and guidance to new parents about how to nurture their baby.

A midwife is a certified nurse-midwife (CNM) or a certified midwife (CM). CNMs are medical professionals that are certified and licensed by the American College of Nurse-Midwives. CMs are also certified, but they do not have nursing backgrounds.

Doulas are not medical professionals; they focus on the emotional support for the parents and the family before, during, and after the birth of the baby. Their job is to provide information, advice, and support to the family not diagnose any medical conditions or provide medical advice.

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